Author Archive for: Senno
The ROAP Finals on 11 December 2020 brought to a close the inaugural editions of our advanced remote oral advocacy...
WITH PERMISSION QMUL School of International Arbitration webinar with Prof. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Prof. Maxi Scherer, Erica Stein, Hafez Virjee...
Webinar with Jose Daniel Amado, Juan Fernandez-Armesto, Dyalá Jiménez-Figueres, Carole Malinvaud, Fernando Eduardo Serec, Hafez Virjee, in conjunction with...
What to know – or what to forget – about an Arbitral Institution
Senno, , GAP Partner Events, Public Videos, English, 0Webinar with Umer Akram Chaudhry, Antonia Birt, Hafez Virjee, in conjunction with RMA & Co. (26 November 2020). ...
La práctica de arbitraje en RD: situación actual y propuestas para modificación de la ley vigente
Senno, , GAP Partner Events, Public Videos, Spanish, 0Webinar con Eleonore Caroit, Andrea García Camps, Laura Medina Acosta, Marcos Peña Rodríguez, en conjunto con Jiménez Peña (25...
Clarity or Confusion? Enka v Chubb (UKSC 2020) and the Law Governing Arbitration Agreements From a Comparative Law Perspective
Senno, , GAP Symposia, Public Videos, English, 0GAP Symposium 2020 Closing Session webinar with Thomas Granier, Prof. Joongi Kim, Prof. Maxi Scherer (19 November 2020). ...
A Black Swan Event? Implications of COVID-19 for Damages and Valuations in International Arbitration
Senno, , GAP Symposia, Public Videos, English, 0GAP Symposium 2020 webinar with Lucy Martinez, James Nicholson, Noah Rubins QC, Hafez Virjee, in conjunction with Freshfields and...
LinkedIn – “The Ten Commandments of LinkedIn for Arbitration Practitioners“, with Amanda Lee FCIArb
Senno, , GAP Symposia, How To, Public Videos, 0The webinar took place on 19 November as part of the GAP Symposium 2020. It was conducted by Amanda...