WITH PERMISSION QMUL School of International Arbitration webinar with Prof. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Prof. Maxi Scherer, Erica Stein, Hafez Virjee...
Webinar with Jose Daniel Amado, Juan Fernandez-Armesto, Dyalá Jiménez-Figueres, Carole Malinvaud, Fernando Eduardo Serec, Hafez Virjee, in conjunction with...
What to know – or what to forget – about an Arbitral Institution
Senno, , GAP Partner Events, Public Videos, English, 0Webinar with Umer Akram Chaudhry, Antonia Birt, Hafez Virjee, in conjunction with RMA & Co. (26 November 2020). ...
La práctica de arbitraje en RD: situación actual y propuestas para modificación de la ley vigente
Senno, , GAP Partner Events, Public Videos, Spanish, 0Webinar con Eleonore Caroit, Andrea García Camps, Laura Medina Acosta, Marcos Peña Rodríguez, en conjunto con Jiménez Peña (25...
Clarity or Confusion? Enka v Chubb (UKSC 2020) and the Law Governing Arbitration Agreements From a Comparative Law Perspective
Senno, , GAP Symposia, Public Videos, English, 0GAP Symposium 2020 Closing Session webinar with Thomas Granier, Prof. Joongi Kim, Prof. Maxi Scherer (19 November 2020). ...
A Black Swan Event? Implications of COVID-19 for Damages and Valuations in International Arbitration
Senno, , GAP Symposia, Public Videos, English, 0GAP Symposium 2020 webinar with Lucy Martinez, James Nicholson, Noah Rubins QC, Hafez Virjee, in conjunction with Freshfields and...
LinkedIn – “The Ten Commandments of LinkedIn for Arbitration Practitioners“, with Amanda Lee FCIArb
Senno, , GAP Symposia, How To, Public Videos, 0The webinar took place on 19 November as part of the GAP Symposium 2020. It was conducted by Amanda...
BRI: State of Play of Disputes Market and Trends
events@delosdr.org, , GAP Symposia, Public Videos, English, 0GAP Symposium 2020 roundtable co-chaired by Jun Bautista (King & Spalding) and Olga Boltenko (Fangda), featuring Aliona Bitkivskaja (SIAC),...
Question time with Law360 and the Kluwer Arbitration Blog
Senno, , GAP Symposia, Public Videos, English, 0GAP Symposium 2020 webinar with Kiran Gore, Myriam Seers, Caroline Simson, and a guest appearance of James Clanchy (18...
Question time with GAR and the Kluwer Arbitration Blog
Senno, , GAP Symposia, Public Videos, English, 0GAP Symposium 2020 webinar with Dr Crina Baltag, Sara Koleilat-Aranjo, Alison Ross (18 November 2020). ABOUT OUR SPEAKERS...