Welcome to the Delos Arbitrator Database. It includes arbitrators who can sit in ad hoc and institutional arbitrations, in all seats and under all procedural rules, across a wide range of areas of expertise. You can use the search fields below to put together an initial list of arbitrators who possess the requisite attributes for your case.

Any arbitrator or aspiring arbitrator can register to be included in the database for free by signing up here as a free Delos member. You will then be able to fill out your profile, and choose which fields to disclose only to Delos for appointment by Delos, and which fields to make publicly available in this database.

Our motivation to create this database has been based on our experience as practitioners and the challenges in accessing information about arbitrators. We believe that end users should be able to access information about arbitrators for free. This is key to expanding the pool of arbitrators. 

Our aim is to help users, counsel and co-arbitrators identify a wider pool of potential suitable arbitrator candidates for their cases. 

Additionally, this database can be used to promote multiple forms of diversity in international arbitration. Arbitrators can choose to indicate their gender and ethnicity; new and less experienced arbitrators have a platform to set out their credentials and obtain appointments; users and counsel can broaden their search; and conference organisers can identify potential talent beyond the range of their usual sources of information.


#access #insights #efficiency #connectedness #diversity #internationalarbitration

Delos would like to thank Herbert Smith Freehills, Careers in Arbitration, Racial Equality for Arbitration Lawyers (REAL) and Rising Arbitrators Initiative (RAI) for their support and involvement in this initiative. 


Kindly note that you do not need to fill out all of the search fields to run a search. Fill out only those you need, and then press the search button to run your search. Please note that, because it is free to access and register, this database is not curated. Inclusion on the database does not indicate that Delos recommends or validates the potential candidate or the information they supply.


Viewing All Profiles (Showing 1-40 of 242 Results)

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